Herman and Rosie
This is a tale about a big city. It’s a tale of hotdogs and music and the summertime subway breeze. It’s a tale of singing on rooftops and toffees that stick to your teeth. But most of all, it's the tale of Herman and Rosie.’
Cover of Gus Gordon's book Herman and Rosie. (logo) Penguin Group (Australia).
Thank you to Gus Gordon and Penguin Books Australia for making Herman and Rosie available for National Literacy and Numeracy Week 2013.
National Literacy and Numeracy Week 2013, 29th July - 4th August, www.literacyandnumeracy.gov.au
This Auslan translation was produced by the Deaf Society of NSW Translation Service.
Cover of Gus Gordon's book Herman and Rosie. (logo) Penguin Group (Australia).
Thank you to Gus Gordon and Penguin Books Australia for making Herman and Rosie available for National Literacy and Numeracy Week 2013.
National Literacy and Numeracy Week 2013, 29th July - 4th August, www.literacyandnumeracy.gov.au
This Auslan translation was produced by the Deaf Society of NSW Translation Service.